我們的管理團隊負責執行由董事會訂立的策略,作出相關領導以付諸實行。 以下將簡介使公司取得成功、能力專長各異的管理團隊成員。 Our management is responsible for implementing strategies set by our Board and providing leadership to put them into effect. Let us show you the team who have attributed their strength and expertise to make our company a success. Key Functions 主要識務 Mr. Cheng Chi Him,Ken 鄭志謙 先生 Commercial & Development Manager 商務與發展經理 __________________________________________________________________ Mr. Wong Ho Ming, Ming 王浩銘 先生
Marketing & Planning Manager 巿場與策劃經理 __________________________________________________________________ Mr. Lee Yan Kit, Sam 李仁傑 先生
Engineering Manager 工程部經理 __________________________________________________________________
 Ms. Hui Shuk Fung, Patti 許淑鳳 女士 Human Resources Manager 人事部經理 __________________________________________________________________ Mr. Kwok Sze Keung, Terry 郭仕強先生 Senior Purchasing Manager 高級採購經理 __________________________________________________________________ Ms. Lam Sau Kuen, Amy 林秀娟 女士
Company Secretary 公司秘書 __________________________________________________________________ Authorised Representatives 授權代表 Key Will Accountants & Advisors Limited 
Auditors 核數師 __________________________________________________________________ Jacqueline M.H Yeung & Co. Legal Adviser 法律顧問 __________________________________________________________________

以心建家 ,與時並進 ,同創美好社會 !